Chakra Level 3


  1. Fees # 50,000/- INR
  2. Duration # 30 Days
  3. Mode # Online / Offline
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Chakra meditation is an age-old Hindu technique. Practising this meditation with proper procedures and understanding makes our life happy & successful.


Basically, chakras are energetic centres of our bodies. They help u to breathe energy in and out. At this level, we shall be working on your 12 chakras. As the real cause of suffering and misfortune in one’s life is due to the misalignment of these chakras. Also, the meditation that shall be thought is extremely beneficial and helpful in curing different allergies and health-related issues.


You shall also be learning about our soul at this level. Because our souls travel from one human body to another in each birth. Also, you will come to its purpose in doing so and its journey towards liberation. We all know that past life plays a significant role in Hindu beliefs. That’s because we believe to maintain mother earth and its energies Shri Narayan toke many births as Parshu Ram, Ram and Krishna. And also to establish and maintain peace and love. Also, you shall be learning authentic ancient Indian Knowledge of kundalini Jagran. Like,
What is it
How to access it
And what will happen to you when your Kundalini rises
Not only that you shall learn to access the magic of abundance and creative power which is stored in the base of your kundalini.


What will you learn?

At this level, we will be learning – Detailed study of 12 Chakras
Learn and understand soul history and purpose
Learn about Kundalini Jagaran


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