Hypno Therapy Level 1


  1. Fees # 25000/- INR
  2. Duration # 15 Days
  3. Mode # Online / Offline
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Hypnotherapy – 1 is all about self-hypnosis. Basically, it’s all about finding your own deep-rooted patterns and blockages that you have been caring without your own realization. Patterns can be defined as the process in which our mind works. Basically, they are thoughts that gradually take the shape of patterns. And with the help of self-hypnosis, we can be aware of our thought patterns and also understand our negative patterns related to them.


  • You start seeing the world in a positive way.
  • It helps to overcome fear, depression, anxiety, and distress.
  • Helps to overcome sleeping disorders like insomnia, trouble sleeping, and sleepwalking.
  • Helps to overcome past traumatic stress disorders.
  • Helps to overcome grief and loss.
  • Helps to overcome chronic pain.
  • Helps in quitting smoking, drugs, and alcoholic habits.
  • Helps in weight loss or weight gain.
  • Also helps to overcome eating disorders.

What Will You Learn?

  • Course consists of Introduction to self-hypnosis.
  • History of hypnosis.
  • Different types of hypnosis.
  • Detect and find out the root cause of your patterns, blockages, and trauma that you have been carrying.
  • Learn how to give positive affirmations with awareness.


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