Angel Therapy


  1. Fees # 20000/- INR
  2. Duration # 10 Days
  3. Mode # Online / Offline
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Angel means divine celestial light being in Hindi we call it (devdut)
In angel therapy you become aware of these divine celestial light beings who are always present around you.
They are always ready to help, guide, heal and protect you but we have lost the connection from angels while running fast in this materialistic world (kalyug)
In this course you are thought to connect and work with the angelic realm in a safe proper step by step way.



  • Connect you to your higher self
  • Learn to communicate with angles through different ways
  • Getting angels guidance will help to solve problems in life
  • Mickel Angle will help you in protection
  • Raphael Angle will help you in healing emotionally, physically and mentally
  • Realising how powerful you are and that we are divine beings

What will you learn?

  • 10 phyla’s of angels, their totem term and purpose
  • 7 primary arch angels, their totem and purpose
  • angelic number and significance
  • psychic reading
  • communication through dream
  • how to use pendulum to get right answers
  • read guidance through angel card
  • auto writing
  • receive angel message
  • evoke angel by various method
  • connect and work with angelic realm


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